I am a woman who is playing life like a game of chess. Checkmate will end it all, lets see who says it first.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Hudood Ordinance

Geo TV has started a campaign to help us think. Yes, now we need campaigns to even think. The issue that we are being asked to think about is Hudood Ordinance. Hadood Ordinance, a set of laws which have dragged the women of Pakistan by the hair to the darkest and remotest corner of injustice. Imagine a law which has singlehandedly, negated the laws laid down by Allah, which were practised by his Prophet Mohammad PBUH and put a plastic bag over the heads of millions of women of Pakistan.

I have not been able to follow all the programs of this series on GEO TV, but the parts of discussion that I have seen are frustrating and eye opening at the same time. Why I say frustrating is because I see the learned scholars, Muftis, Ulema and Drs. sitting there and everyone of them confessing that there is a flaw in the Huddod Oridnance. The flaw is greatest where consentual sex and rape are given under the same branch of law. The requirement of witnesses is the same. Can any sane or insane person explain to me how 4 pious, practising muslim men can stand around and let a man rape a woman??

Our jails are full of women, teenage girls who have been raped and were booked under the Zina law when they could not hide their pregnancies. They are not waiting for their cases to be heard, because there is no one to hear them. Nobody cares if they rot, as long as they are in full hijab.

The clergy is ready to board trains and have million men marches if the women of Pakistan try to run a marathon but they will not even lift a finger to correct the mistake that they or the likes of them made when Hudood ordinance was made. They are the ones who were advising the General when he was drunk on power and thought of himself as the amir of the Muslim ummah. It is the responsibilty of the clergy to right this wrong. Our I swear I and millions of women will grab their collars on the day of jugdement. So help us God.


Blogger mAn[S]o0r said...

i was also surprised at the requirement for four people as 'gawa' for when a rape is committed... i didnt know that. trust me.. as far as going for the collars of the clerics is concerned... count me in ;) albeit for other reasons. (A)

5:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

everytime i hear a cleric speakin, what do i hear?? sexual undertones in everything they say. they think anyone who speaks to a namehram is thinkin abt sex. they're motivated to do good deeds not coz they'll be pleasing Allah but because they'll get 70 hoors in the afterlife. and the worst thing abt them is they make it sound like that Islam's laws are only for women and not men. they would curse women who wear clothes that appeal to men but have nothing to say to men who wont lower their gaze at the sight of such women. they have laws to punish the "adultress" (rape victims in most cases) but nothin for the man who kills his innocent wife in the name of honour.
Im ashamed to say that it is these clerics who've made Islam such a hated religion throughout the world. 1400 years ago, Islam set women free from the opression of Qureish. Today, the clerics shamelessly use the same religion to oppress them again.
the hudood ordinance was made in zia's time to please these religious clerics and even though a minority of them may be against it, a large part of them still believe that the ongoing debate is an attempt to make pakistan more 'liberal'.

8:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sad na....such is the case for those of us who are responsible for child bearing - i.e. keeping our species alive.

collar to kya....i'll get hold of anything to drag those lousy hypocrites! i agree with sid about the cleric responsible for giving our religion an ugly face to the outside world.

12:19 PM


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