I'm Tagged !!!
Huun, so Psyched tagged me and I have been told if I don't follow through and forward it I'll get acne on my face and my hair will fall off. So I am doing this only to remain this stunning ;-)
And I am tagging Mansoor (wordofmansoor) and Inspirex. HAA HAA HAA
Here goes,
I am thinking about:
Food. Nah! Kidding. What can make me rich and famous quick (Robbing a Bank dressed as an icecream cone is my first choice)
I said,
I want to,
own an Island
I wish,
too much!
I miss,
my school days, freedom to do anything at anytime, and my best friend
I hear,
A lot of Bull S**t everyday
I wonder,
If I have a long lost rich uncle who will leave me everything when he conks
I regret,
Nothing much. What's done is done
I am,
not who you think I am
I dance,
pretty well
I cry,
Whenever I feel like it
I am not always,
I write,
because I need to
I need,
A Million Dollars so I can open my own T.V. Channel
I finish,
last in a race, first when eating dessert, not everything I do (curse of being a Gemini), usually victorious in an argument, and a joke with a witty punch line.
Hah! Done!
hahahahahahahahaa...i knew u wud come up with something as witty! :D
and unlike the others..u tagged further!
so u dance as well eh?? yaaayyyyy! i think X needs to learn a few moves from us ;)
btw...i thot ud do this sometime later....i know about ur bz schedule - so this was a surprise! so u get to keep the hair and the clear skin :D
2:59 AM
btw....u dont need a million dollars to open a tv channel....
just lemme know ur interesested...and we'll set u up.....;)
Psyched: I know what ur going to say, but lets put it this way....is Having the money v/s Wanting to have it.....
3:56 AM
Psyched, thanks.
We can't teach X to dance. He'll probably ask for a bunch of reports first to check the feasibility and then he will have to calculate every move. Nah! the projects too hard.
Inspirex: I don't need the million dollars to open the channel I need it to hire lawyers to fight the lawsuits!
OOOh! so I can ask you to set me up with a TV channel. Yippeee! I won't have to work much would I? Let's start a Bloggers Channel. Lets, lets !
12:02 AM
and on this day, a few crazy people set out to launch blogging revolution.......
6:21 AM
very witty sis...love it!!!..
7:02 AM
Luckily Psyched did not threaten me with anything. Had she threatened me with acne i'd have dropped everything and done her tag! Lol.
Just read ur tag after id done mine. we both miss school!
It was great meeting you the other day! Sorry i didn't come by your blog earlier.
8:02 PM
blog tv!! kewl! count me in!
hahahahaha@ X's feasability reports on dance lessons :D checkmate, ur so right u know! lol
errmm..what was i gonna say again?? :/
12:43 AM
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