What the ........??!!
A list of things and people who make me go "What the ........??!!"
- You gain weight south first but loose it north first. (Murphy's law ???)
- Men who hold hands in public. (and if its only 1 finger they are holding aagghh!!)
- Women who start baby talk when ever they see a good looking man enter the room. (What are they trying to do attract pedophiles?)
- People who still say "Mein whon na"? (Kya Ho bhai ab bata bhi do?????)
- People who are like tubelights (they take forever to start)
- People who are like tubelights without starters. (they.. just.. don't.. start)
- Women who ask me "How did you land your husband?" (Well first I made sure the wheels were out, and the wings were straight, for HEAVEN SAKES what is he a Boeing 747?)
- 20 somethings who call me aunty!! (Cheeky blind apes)
- Men who always finish thier sentences with "Do you understand"? (No sir, me dumb female, DUUUH, Drool Drool)
- People who don't like chocolate, Whoopi Goldberg and ME!!! (You'll see how lovable I am, just let the initial shock wear off)
- Bleach blonds and green contacts (My dear sisters, there is 'asian' in 'caucasian" but it's not us)
- Stupid girls who scream "Allah did you get your eyebrows waxed?" (Why don't you take out a radio ad, you dumb ass)
- The weighing scale (Every saturday I go WTH??)
- Men who think when Allah said lower your gaze, he meant 6 inches below my face.
Note : This list will be updated regularly. Please keep visiting. Cheers !