Microphone left on at the Pee - 8 Summit Tush: Yo! Flair
Flair: Yes, my love!
Tush: (Blushing) Thank you for the g-string. It was awfully sweet of you.
Flair: No problem, I know how you hate panty lines.
Tush: I know you picked it out yourself
Flair: Oh! absolutely, infact I sprinkled some of my cologne on it too.
Tush: Sigh! So you leaving?
Flair: Not if you want me to stay
(moving slightly closer). I'll stay for the Trade thingy!
(wink wink) Tush: Yeh stay for the thingy, but let Flangela handle the discussions
Flair: Yes! I will
(Sees the waiter appoaching) So what about Toffee and his stand on the ceasefire.
(Catches on) Yada Yada Yada, No it cannot happen until they get this International Business agreed.
(waiter is now gone) So your room or mine.
Flair: Why don't we use Londi's room. Less suspicious!
Tush: Ok! I'll send her to Hiddle Miest. But it will take some time. She has to make the shit smell good and she needs to make some grounds to justify Misrael's right to offend. Because obviously if she goes out, she's got to succeed, if it were, whereas I can go out and just talk. But then you know I don't know my ass from my wive's face so I'll just end up choking on a falalel. And then Prick and Londi will have to work twice as hard to try and explain what I said.
Flair: So true!
Tush: It's all Irya's fault. They have to play nice with Misrael. I have a mind to call Toffee and tell him to get on the phone with Blessed and make something happen.
Flair: Yeah! He is sweet!
(licking his finger ever so slowly) Tush: Just like honey!
Flair: I'll bring a bottle and we can ....
Tush: Is this thing on ?
The microphone is switched off right then.